SREcon25 Americas
Thursday March 27, 2025 11:05am - 11:50am PDT
Akashdeep Goel, Sriram Rangarajan, and Samuel Fu, Netflix Inc

In this session, we'll discuss a distributed caching system used at Netflix in multiple regions on a public cloud, handling 400 million requests per second and managing 14 petabytes of data. We'll focus on the intricacies of securing this system, including certificate lifecycle management, spurious policy lookup calls, and securing proxy calls for polyglot clients. We will walk you through our debugging journey with tools like CPU profiling and memory dumps, share key takeaways, and demonstrate how these techniques can be applied in any organization. This session will provide valuable lessons on retrofitting high-leverage systems for security compliance and executing global-scale rollouts effectively.


Akashdeep Goel

Akashdeep Goel is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix working on distributed systems handling large scale caching deployments for both streaming and gaming workloads across Netflix. Prior to this, Akashdeep was working on a distributed control plane at Azure CosmosDB (Microsoft... Read More →

Sriram Rangarajan

Sriram Rangarajan is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix, focusing on caching infrastructure. Previously, he worked on ad servers and search functionalities at Unity Technologies and Kamcord, and managed backend solutions at Yahoo and Hewlett Packard. Sriram holds a Master's degree... Read More →

Samuel Fu

Samuel Fu is a Software Engineer at Netflix working on distributed systems that help enable caching at scale, supporting both VOD and live streaming use cases. Prior to Netflix, Samuel worked on realtime streaming feature pipelines at Lyft, enabling features such as driver bonuses... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 11:05am - 11:50am PDT
Grand Ballroom GH

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