SREcon25 Americas
Wednesday March 26, 2025 3:55pm - 4:40pm PDT
Steffen Gebert and Miklos Tirpak, emnify

How much is “up to 10 Gbps” for an EC2 instance? And what happens, if packets are smaller or fragmented? Over the years of running our mobile core’s network functions on AWS, we learned – the hard way – about numerous network limits. Many of them are (in the meantime) documented, but some are not.

In this presentation, we share our horror stories on what kept us awake at night. To make you better informed, we will explain limits such as packets per second and connection tracking and how those will affect your network traffic, once they are exceeded. We share, how you can (sometimes) monitor your remaining quotas, or at least how you can identify the reason, why your applications go haywire.

Finally, we highlight a couple of cases, where your next incident could be just a side note in the documentation.


Steffen Gebert

Before switching into his new role, Steffen used to lead the infrastructure team at emnify, a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) running custom-built mobile core networks for the Internet of Things on Amazon Web Services. His technical main interest is misusing AWS networking... Read More →

Miklos Tirpak

Miklos works with the Packet Gateway team at emnify as an engineering manager on developing high-performance applications for packet processing with cutting-edge technologies. While such network applications are running on Amazon Web Services, packet per second rate and high reliability... Read More →
Wednesday March 26, 2025 3:55pm - 4:40pm PDT
Grand Ballroom GH

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